Occupation (Current) - 27 Categories


The occupation classification of people who were in employment in the week before Census Day (21 March 2021). The Occupation classification is based on the Standard Occupation Classification 2020 (SOC2020). Occupation is applicable to people aged 16 and over in employment in the week before census (including economically active full-time students in employment). As such, this variable reports 'No code required' for the subset of the population where no response was expected.

Variable categories

Showing all 27 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
11 Corporate managers and directors 1
12 Other managers and proprietors 2
21 Science, research, engineering and technology professionals 3
22 Health professionals 4
23 Teaching and other Educational professionals 5
24 Business, media and public service professionals 6
31 Science, engineering and technology associate professionals 7
32 Health and social care associate professionals 8
33 Protective service occupations 9
34 Culture, media and sports occupations 10
35 Business and public service associate professionals 11
41 Administrative occupations 12
42 Secretarial and related occupations 13
51 Skilled agricultural and related trades 14
52 Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades 15
53 Skilled construction and building trades 16
54 Textiles, printing and other skilled trades 17
61 Caring personal service occupations 18
62 Leisure, travel and related personal service occupations 19
63 Community and civil enforcement occupations 20
71 Sales occupations 21
72 Customer service occupations 22
81 Process, plant and machine operatives 23
82 Transport and mobile machine drivers and operatives 24
91 Elementary trades and related occupations 25
92 Elementary administration and service occupations 26
No code required -8