National Identity - 26 Categories


A person's national identity as stated in the census. The National Identity question was 'tick all that apply'. As such, results relating to national identity may classify people with a single national identity or a combination of identities. The categories 'Other EU' and 'Other non-EU' relate to the European Union (EU) as at 21 March 2021. British identity excludes responses indicating an identity related to the British Virgin Islands and British Overseas Territories.

Variable categories

Showing all 26 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
British only 1
Irish only 2
Northern Irish only 3
British and Irish only 4
British and Northern Irish only 5
Irish and Northern Irish only 6
British, Irish and Northern Irish only 7
English only 8
Scottish only 9
Welsh only 10
Other combination of British/Irish/Northern Irish/English/Scottish/Welsh only 11
Other and at least one of British/Irish/Northern Irish/English/Scottish/Welsh 12
Other identity only: European: Polish 13
Other identity only: European: Lithuanian 14
Other identity only: European: Romanian 15
Other identity only: European: Portuguese 16
Other identity only: European: Bulgarian 17
Other identity only: European: Other EU 18
Other identity only: European: Other non-EU 19
Other identity only: African 20
Other identity only: Middle Eastern and Asian: Indian 21
Other identity only: Middle Eastern and Asian: Other 22
Other identity only: North American, Central American and Caribbean 23
Other identity only: South American 24
Other identity only: Antarctican and Oceanian 25
Other identity only: Other 26