Living Arrangements - 8 Categories


The Living Arrangements classification combines responses to the question on marital and civil partnership status with information provided in the household relationship matrix. A person not living in a couple can be classified as married or in a civil partnership if they denote their marital or civil partnership status as married or in a civil partnership but have no spouse or partner resident in the household. Living arrangements applies to all people aged 16 and over living in households. As such, this variable reports 'No code required' for the subset of the population where no response was expected.

Variable categories

Showing all 8 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
Living in a couple: Married or in a civil partnership 1
Living in a couple: Cohabiting 2
Not living in a couple: Single (never married or never registered a civil partnership) 3
Not living in a couple: Married or in a civil partnership 4
Not living in a couple: Separated (including those who are married and those who are in civil partnerships) 5
Not living in a couple: Divorced or formerly in a civil partnership which is now legally dissolved 6
Not living in a couple: Widowed or surviving partner from a civil partnership 7
No code required -8