Industry (Current) - 9 Categories


The industry classification of people who were in employment in the week before Census Day (21 March 2021). The responses are coded to a modified version of the UK Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities 2007 - UK SIC (2007). Industry is applicable to people aged 16 and over in employment in the week before census (including economically active full-time students in employment). As such, this variable reports 'No code required' for the subset of the population where no response was expected.

Variable categories

Showing all 9 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
A, B, D, E Agriculture, energy and water 1
C Manufacturing 2
F Construction 3
G, I Distribution, hotels and restaurants 4
H, J Transport and communication 5
K, L, M, N Financial, Real Estate, Professional and Administrative activities 6
O, P, Q Public administration, education and health 7
R, S, T, U Other 8
No code required -8