Household Composition - 15 Categories


Identifies whether a person lives in a household by classifying the household according to the relationships between the household members. A 'dependent child' is a person in a household aged 0-15 (whether or not in a family) or a person aged 16-18 who is a full-time student and in a family with parent(s). A family consists of a couple (married, civil partnership or cohabiting) with or without children, or a lone parent and their children. It also includes a married, civil partnership or cohabiting couple with their grandchildren or a lone grandparent with their grandchildren, if there is no parent in the intervening generation in the household. Children in couple families do not need to belong to both members of the couple. This variable applies to all people living in households. As such, this variable reports 'No code required' for the subset of the population living in communal establishments.

Variable categories

Showing all 15 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
One person household: Aged 66 and over 1
One person household: Other 2
Single family household: All aged 66 and over 3
Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: No children 4
Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: Dependent children 5
Single family household: Married or civil partnership couple: All children non-dependent 6
Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: No children 7
Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: Dependent children 8
Single family household: Cohabiting couple family: All children non-dependent 9
Single family household: Lone parent family: With dependent children 10
Single family household: Lone parent family: All children non-dependent 11
Single family household: Other family composition 12
Other household types: With dependent children 13
Other household types: Other (including all full-time students and all aged 66 and over) 14
No code required -8