Rooms (Number) - 4 Categories


The number of habitable rooms available in a household's accommodation, modelled using information from the Land & Property Services Domestic Property List and other sources. The count includes rooms such as living rooms, studies, bedrooms, and separate dining rooms. It does not include bathrooms, toilets, halls or landings, conservatories, utility rooms and kitchens used solely for kitchen purposes (i.e. those without dining/sitting areas). Census 2021 did not ask a 'Number of rooms' question. There are definitional differences between Census 2011 and the modelled count produced for Census 2021. Therefore, comparisons cannot be made between Census 2021 and Census 2011.

Variable categories

Showing all 4 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
3 rooms or less 1
4 rooms 2
5 rooms 3
6+ rooms 4