DT-0075 Ready-made table (modified)

Rooms (Persons per Room)


This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in Northern Ireland by the number of Persons per Room.

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Table component Your choice Change choice
Population Households
Geographic level Northern Ireland Change geographic variable
Geographic area Northern Ireland
Variables Rooms (Persons per Room) Change variables
Filters None selected Filter table
Pivot No pivot applied Pivot table

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Showing all 4 rows of your table.

Rooms (Persons per Room) Code Rooms (Persons per Room) Label Count
1Up to and including 0.5 persons per room517,157
2Over 0.5 and up to and including 1.0 persons per room231,236
3Over 1.0 and up to and including 1.5 persons per room17,293
4Over 1.5 persons per room3,124

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