Occupation (Former)


The occupation classification of people who were not in employment in the week before Census Day (21 March 2021). The Occupation classification is based on the Standard Occupation Classification 2020 (SOC2020). Former occupation is applicable to people aged 16 and over not in employment in the week before census (including economically active full-time students in employment). As such, this variable reports 'No code required' for the subset of the population where no response was expected.

Variable categories

Showing all 11 categories from this variable.

A breakdown of the categories in the variable, by code and label.
Label Code
1 Managers, directors and senior officials 1
2 Professional occupations 2
3 Associate professional and technical occupations 3
4 Administrative and secretarial occupations 4
5 Skilled trades occupations 5
6 Caring, leisure and other service occupations 6
7 Sales and customer service occupations 7
8 Process, plant and machine operatives 8
9 Elementary occupations 9
Never worked 10
No code required -8